The Consortium for the Protection and Enhancement of the Lentil of Altamura P.G.I.
The small big Lentil of Altamura became P.G.I. thanks to the work and collaboration of the main actors (the farmers) in the area where it’s born and grows.
But alongside them, companies in the sector, wholesalers, packers and interested public bodies work. Together they become the Association for the Protection and Enhancement of the Lentil of Altamura P.G.I. and then Consortium, to protect the peculiarity of their lentils and to make an authentic legume, history and symbol of the Made in Murgia. Together they guarantee that the production of the Lentil of Altamura P.G.I. meets the quality requirements established in the Production Regulations, together they enhance and introduce this small legume in Italy and in the world, together they carry out activities of protection from counterfeits to preserve this ancient and genuine food. Like their homeland.



The history
Commercial Ascent
From a simple product of the family agricultural economy, the Altamura lentil will begin an export route, which in a few years will take it to the most important national and international markets.
The escape of labor from the countryside, the lack of mechanization, the importation of low-cost lentils, the monoculture of wheat on wheat pushed by a myopic common agricultural policy, have determined its disappearance.
In 2007 registration was obtained on the National list of Traditional Agri-food Products, and in 2013 the Collective Mark was filed to protect the consumer on quality, techniques and the place of production.
Group constitution
A group of 50 farmers constitutes a cultural association with the sole purpose of working to obtain the recognition of the PGI.
Protected geographical indication
A process has been launched that led to the establishment of the “Altamura” lentil variety, the same one that obtained the protected geographical indication in 2017.
Recognition of the consortium
The Mipaaft instructs the Consortium for the Protection of the Lentil of Altamura P.G.I. to perform the functions of protection, promotion, enhancement, consumer information and general care of the Protected Geographical Indication.

Consorzio di Tutela Lenticchia di Altamura © 2019 – All right reserved P.IVA – C.F. 0798752078